I work in two elementary school libraries. Often I have teachers, parents and students ask for a book recommendation. Teachers are concerned with book accelerated reading levels, parents are concerned with book interest level versus book content, and students concerned with finding something they'll enjoy reading regardless of any level.
After I began this position I was fortunate enough to purchase several thousand dollars worth of books between the two libraries. When the boxes started arriving I realized that I needed to know what worlds were housed between the covers of the books, not just the new books but all of the books on the shelves. I wanted to be able to steer children in a direction that would keep them opening books and traveling down the well worn paths into fantasy, fiction and fact.
I have approximately 25,000 books between my two schools. I am constantly looking to add to my collection. I am planning on reading as many of the books in my two libraries as I possibly can so that I can pass on a small peek, a bit of insight, into the various worlds and options that await your child when they walk through my doors. And of course, a book is a book, whether it be in my library, your library or a book store. I'm hoping you find this information helpful wherever you wander.
And so, the adventure begins... book by book.